Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Second Look 2/21/07

On the car ride home I was thinking of something Jason had mentioned in his prayer about how thankful we should be for those in our life who are like Aaron and Hur who held up the arms of Moses during the battle with the Amelakites. Meditating upon that, I realize that is so true. There is a principle there with that scene in Exodus 17. It is important to have people around us who help encourage and strengthen and even sharpen us throughout our lives. People who when we become tired or discouraged or burnt out, will come along and help boost us up in spirit.
Now I also think there is another principle that can be gleaned from this. Not only our there people who help us, but there is one who is the Great Helper and Comforter in our times of need. When we feel like we cannot go on physically and spiritually. When we feel like our arms are tired and we feel the battle is to much, the Holy Spirit is there to come along side us and help strengthen us both physically and spiritually. I know from my own life there are times when I feel discouraged or burnt out, and it is not some person that strengthens though often times God uses people as vessels to relay his message, it is often times the Holy Spirit himself working from the inside out and renewing my strength so that I might press on to the high calling of Jesus Christ. May he do that for us all whenever we feel we need that extra push!


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